DIY Flower Crown

Hey Loves,

Who still wears these things? Many of you might be wondering why am I doing a post about this, though Coachella is over and it’s kind of played out, this one is for them, and all the Hippies out there ;). The thing is FLOWER CROWNS have been around for a long time (Greek & Roman days), if its “out of style now” it’ll be back in a couple of years. That’s “FASHION TRENDS” I guess, but who really cares if they’re in or not, they’re Flowersom 🙂 .


In or out they are still being sold and worn today. Getting a nice good quality flowercrown might be expensive and if it is. I am here to help you outby making your own with the colors you want and the way you want it. Buying things may be easier for some, but for the rest of us, making things is sometimes much easier and saves you a bunch of cha ching$.

 Things/Supplies Needed
1. Floral wire/Plain twine/Headband/Elastic
2. Floral Tape/Ribbon
3. Hot Glue gun/Needle & thread (Depends on the tools being used)
4. Pliers/Scissors (Depends on the tools being used)
5. Flowers/Greenery



1. Take your headband or wire/twine and wrap it around your head to establish the size for your crown.
2. Once you’ve measured your head, take some greenery and leaves or ribbon to wrap around the base of the wire to cover up any wire that’s showing.
3. Finally, add flowers however you want by using any of the tools listed above, (your preference)




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  • jameala henry

    Its cool tht u shwed how to make thm 🙂 .. Love your style and your pictures are stunning

    June 4, 2015 at 8:49 pm
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